We are a technology driven startup with a vision to facilitate access to nutritious, fresh food anywhere in the world.
Lack of high-quality, affordable produce is systemic.
Fresh produce is a $1.2 trillion global industry with significant supply and demand challenges.
Gaps in the produce supply…
1 in 10
Adults meet US fruit or vegetable consumption recommendations.
Only 36%
of global population in 2015 had adequate availability of fruits and vegetables to meet the WHO age-specific minimum nutrition targets.
…are accentuated by waste and limited accessibility
Up to 50%
Of produce in the United States is thrown away despite significant resource use.
+32% / +11%
Increase in produce consumption for each additional supermarket in a census tract, for African Americans and whites respectively.
$1600 / year
Worth of discarded produce per American family of four
+.35 Servings
Of produce consumed per resident per day for each additional meter of shelf space devoted to fresh vegetables (In New Orleans small neighborhood store study).
Crop Convergence works with growers and farm operators to improve their operations and their final products by:
Maximizing crop yield
Improving nutritional quality
Enhancing flavor
Minimizing production costs
Enhancing the sustainability of food production